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Dr. Anil Mandhani
Executive Director Urology | Fortis Gurgaon
Organ Transplant
MBBS, MS (Surgery), M Ch (Urology), DNB ( Urology) Fellowship in Robotic surgery in the Institute of Robotic surgery Brady urology center, NYP Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York, NY. USA
Fortis Gurugram
Kidney Transplant
Years Of Experience : 25
About Doctor
Dr. Mandhani has a unique experience of working in the best state-run hospital in India, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, where he helped train more than 100 residents to acquire M.Ch. degree and then in the best corporate hospitals in NCR. The strength of his clinical care is his ethical and humane approach to deal with various problems in Urology. His skill sets are unmatched and always come in handy with his scientific reasoning due to his vast contribution in the field of urology. His expertise in robotic surgery (more than 550 cases) is unparalleled and he has been known for managing complex situations emanating from deviant outcomes of surgery done by others. His vast experience in kidney transplant surgery( more than 1000 kidney transplants ) with many modifications has been his force to reckon with.
- American Urological Association
- European urological Association
- British Association of Urological surgeons
- Indian urological association
- Editorial Assignment
- Associate Editor of Indian Journal of Urology
- Uro-oncology
- Robotic surgery
- Kidney transplant
Awards & Honors
- Awarded with best reviewer by Journal of Urology in 2017.
- DUSUCON North zone urological society of India for best research work award. 2014.
- DUSUCON award on best clinical work on PSA characteristic in prostate cancer. 2013.
- Awarded Fellow of American College of Surgeon, FACS in 2012.
- International Guest Scholarship by American College of Surgeons in 2010.
- Clinical fellowship in Robotic Uro-oncology in New York Presbyterian hospital, NY, USA in 2006-2007. Assisted and done more than 350 robotic radical prostatectomy in one year during this fellowship.
- “Innovation award” by Urological Society of India for “Endopyelotomy sheath: a new device to facilitate ante grade Endopyelotomy”.
- Best paper award on ‘prediction of Fragility of stone by DEXA’ in national conference of Urology 2003
- Har Gobind Singh traveling fellowship of North Zone of Urology India, 2003
- UICC International Cancer Technology Transfer (ICRETT) fellowship 2004
- Enrollment in The Marquis who’s who publications board 2002