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Dr Rakesh P. Gopal
Senior consultant Cardiologist
MBBS, MD(Medicine), DM (Cardiology), DNB (Cardiology), FRCP
Apollo Chennai
Years Of Experience : 15
About Doctor
Dr Rakesh Gopal is the lead cardiologist, Onco-cardiology at Apollo Specialty Hospital, Chennai since 2006. Prior to this, he was a Director of Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization services since 2011. Dr. Rakesh also has served as a visiting
faculty to overseas clinics and universities in Nepal, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda Liberia, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia. He is the editor of the book Cardiovascular Interventional Trials Update, published by Asia Pacific Interventional Cardiology India Educational Trust and Mathew Foundation.
- Cardiological Society of India
- American Heart Association
- Asian Pacific Society for Interventional Cardiology
- American College of cardiology
- European society of cardiology
- All Complex Coronary Interventions, including Bifurcation Angioplasty, Chronic Total Occlusions, Left Main Stenting, Rotablation, Cutting Balloon, IABP assisted procedures, distal protection devices, graft interventions and Primary PCI
- Interventions for Valvular Heart Disease, Mitral, Aortic, Pulmonary Balloon Valvotomies, Cribier device for Mitral Commisurotomy
- Initiation for Trans Aortic Valve replacement
- Trans Septal puncture
- Peripheral Angioplasty, Renal angioplasty, Carotid Interventions. Expertise in limb salvage procedures and below popliteal disease angioplasty
Awards & Honors